Gel Overlays: A Head-to-Toe Tool in the Prevention of Perioperative Pressure Injuries

As professionals in the operating room, our main goal is to create and maintain a safe environment for patients. The perioperative nurse, often at the forefront, plays a crucial role in this mission. One important task is to assess the patient’s well-being and skin condition to prevent pressure injuries during all phases of care.

One tool that can help prevent pressure injuries is the gel overlay pad. These pads come in various lengths, sizes, and shapes and use the same Akton® polymer found in other Action® positioning devices. They can be used with other items to ensure safe patient positioning and pressure injury prevention. This includes repositioning the patient’s head to reduce scalp pressure and placing the patient’s body in proper alignment to avoid contact with metal parts of the bed. Additionally, padding hard surfaces where the body rests can prevent injuries.

The gel overlay pad provides a suitable surface for the entire length of the patient’s body, matching the full length and width of the operating table. It can also add a layer of protection when a patient's body part cannot be elevated or kept free-floating.

Using a gel overlay pad can extend the life of older operating room table pads. Placing it on top of an older surface that lacks redistributive properties can offer the necessary protection against pressure injuries and prolong the use of the older padding.

Gel Overlay Pads: A Versatile Addition

Adding a gel overlay pad to your perioperative positioning tools is a smart choice. It can be used alongside other Action® positioning devices without replacing them. For example, in the lithotomy position, you can use a gel overlay under the patient’s body along with padded leg-holders. In the lateral position, gel overlays can be used with an axillary roll to redistribute pressure from head to toe, protecting areas like the lateral femur, greater trochanter, and lateral malleolus.

For perioperative nurses looking for effective tools to prevent pressure injuries, the gel overlay pad should be at the top of the list.